The coming of God in the flesh isn't any harder to believe than the creation of the first man.

...Adam was created by an act of Divine Power.

..........The rest of the human race was born through natural processes.

.................The Redeemer, Who is to be born of a woman, is also formed by Divine Power.

...He is God Almighty and His coming to earth in the flesh is possible for Him.
The gods of the Greeks and Romans were supposed to have been divine and human.

........It showed man's hunger for God.
Man's desire to have a God is proved by
......his drinking the blood of human sacrifices,
......his naming kings after names of gods,
and his making kings and emperors immortals.
After Adam and Eve fell and was driven out of the Garden, man has longed for a Savior.

...............His spirit desires to be with God because he was created in God's image with the ability to be a part of God's life.
In Genesis 3:20,
"The man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living."

............The word 'Eve' in Hebrew is Havvah, which literally means the 'living one' or 'the life-giver'.

....................God was telling man that his wife shall be the mother of the life-giving one, Jesus!
Jesus has come and brought to nought [nothing, zero] him:

"....that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage."
Hebrews 2:14-15
"and thou shalt bruise his heel."

......"the heel" is the Church living on the earth.

......................The long ages of persecution of the Church by the seed of Satan will become history.

"And he shall bruise thy head"

........This is the head of Satan.

.........................The term 'bruise the head" means breaking the lordship of the ruler.

.............Man gave his dominion that God had given him to Satan. He will exercise that dominion until the Seed of the Woman comes then his lordship is going to be broken.
"The seed of the woman."

.........................Here is a prophecy that a woman shall give birth to a child not of natural birth.

......A child is always called the "seed of man."
Jesus was hunted from the time He was born by Satan's seed, until they finally nailed Him to the cross.

............................And from His Resurrection to today, the Church has been subject to bitter persecution and enmity of the world.
"I will put enmity between thy seed and her seed."

........Satan's seed is the unrepentant human race.

...............Woman's seed is Christ.
" will put enmity between thee and the woman."

..........There has been enmity between Satan and the woman.

................History has proven that she has be bought and sold like property.

.......................Only where Christianity has filled the hearts of the people has the woman ever received treatment that puts her above that.
In God's conversation with Satan, He gives him the first promise of sending His Son Jesus.

..........................Genesis 3:15

"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
Mercy and truth came together and God's love gave man a promise of a Redeemer!
God's love began to immediately work on man's side.

.................God knew that man's needs could only be met on legal grounds by sending His Son.

........God's love found no sacrifice too great that would bring man back to Him again.
When man committed the crime of High Treason, he died spiritually.

...........In spiritual death, he is described as "without hope and without God in the world."
the Incarnate One,
being equal with God,
united with man,
would be able to bring the two together.
To be a Mediator for man:

.....*He must be a man because he represents

.....*He must be able to understand and sympathize

.......with man's temptations.
.....*He must possess a right standing

.......[righteousness] with God.
.....*He must be free
from Satan's authority.

This mediation could only come by God and man coming together in one person.
Man's need of Eternal Life and righteousness could only be met by God sending His Son.

.......Jesus' coming was the only answer for man's need of a Mediator.

................No natural born human being could go to God on man's behalf because Spiritual Death covered all humanity.

10 Anniversary of 911
1 Samuel 6:19
The Ark of the Covenant was captured and taken by the Philistines. After some judgments had fallen on the heathen cities because of it, the Ark was put on a cart and sent back.

......The cattle pulled the cart off the road into a field. When some of the people saw the Ark the news spread. Thousands came curious to see it.

..........The cover was thrown off and the people saw it for the first time.

................Suddenly a plague struck them and fifty thousand fell dead.

It showed that no one can come to God except through a High Priest or sacrifice. Man cannot come into God's presence univited. He needs a Mediator.
The people of Israel ran away from the place where God showed Korah and the other leaders that Moses and Aaron were the most High Priests that He had chosen.

...............Israel was filled with awe and reverence for such a holy God!
Another attempt of man trying to come to God univited is in Numbers 16.

.........................Korah and a group of leaders of Israel were upset with Moses and Aaron. They insisted that they had just a much right to go to God as any of God's appointed High Priest's did.

..................So in the presence of everyone, Moses invited Korah and the others to come before God. As soon as they came, Moses warned the other people to get away.

.............When Moses stopped speaking, the earth opened up and Korah and the others with their families dropped into Sheol alive.
Aaron stood stunned when he saw his dead sons.

..........Moses cries out to Aaron to remind him what God had told them, so Aaron stayed silent.

...............Israel learned that man can't just come to Him [God] uninvited or just any way they wanted.
Leviticus 10:1-3 tells of an incident where Israel learned its spiritual condition.

..Aaron's, God's appointed high priest, sons were hanging near the tabernacle when they decided to take sencers with live coals, poured incense on them and went into the Holy of Holies, which wasn't God's appointed way.

......No one but the High Priest was allowed there and only once a year.

Suddenly the boys fell dead.
The life of the nation of Israel shows man trying to force himself into God's presence before Jesus Christ brought Eternal Life and justification on the cross.
From the time Adam sinned and separated mankind from God, the time when Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father, man has had a right to go to God except through His appointed
............priests, over a bleeding sacrifice, dreams, visions or angelic visits.
Israel's way to God was through tabernacles, priesthoods and offerings [animal sacrifices].

.................Other than God's ways, man has no way to get to Him.
God gave Adam and his children a way to come to Himself.

...............Genesis 3:21
Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

..............Genesis 4:4

And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:

Because God loved and desired fellowship with man, He immediately made a way for man to approach Himself.