The Holy of Holies
This room was divided, in two, by a large heavy tapestry on which the images of the cherubim were embroidered. The room created behind the veil represents what is in heaven. This room was called the Holy of Holies and was the holiest place in the Tabernacle where the Ark of the Covenant rested. It's lid the Mercy Seat a depiction of the description of Genesis 3:24. "...and placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life."
The "mercy seat" is the lid of the "ark of the covenant".

In the Holy Place,

the larger place,

there were the

Golden Altar,

Golden Lampstand, and the Golden Table
The main part of the Tabernacle was placed at the west end of the court. It was 52' by 17'1/2 by 17'1/2.

........It was divided into two compartments.
Most Holy Place - small
Holy Place - larger
God gave us the account of creation in less than two chapters, yet the instructions for the making of the Tabernacle takes up eleven chapters.

...........................We would think that the work of Creation was far more important than the building of the Tabernacle.

.............But as mighty as the work of Creation was, it was simply the preparing of a stage upon which was to be a far mightier work, the work of our Redemption in Christ.
From the time that man had died spiritually,
........God had been working toward his redemption.

Now the Tabernacle is to be a type of Christ
...and the Redemption He was working out for man.

..So every detail must be according to His exact plan.
The Tabernacle was to be made exactly as God revealed it to Moses.

"9 According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it."
...................................Exodus 25:9
To build the Tabernacle, God asked them for free-will offerings.
"2 Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering."
.................................Exodus 25:2
God wanted to live with His Covenant People.

.......................He couldn't live in their hearts, because they hadn't yet received Eternal Life.; He had to be manifested to their physical senses. Their worship had to be the same.

............There had to be a physical dwelling place where He would live and where they could meet Him through a physical priesthood.

Exodus 25:8
Exodus 34:
"1 And the LORD said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest. . . . . . . . .
27 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.
28 And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments."

...........The second stone tables were made by Moses.

When Moses returned with the Commandments, the people led by Aaron breaks the first commandment and Moses breaks the Tables written wiith the finger of God.
Moses was called up to receive the Tables of Stone.
............................Exodus 24:12-18

On the Mount, Moses received the instructions for
............the Tabernacle,
..................the Priesthood and
.......................the Sacrifices.
............................Exodus 25:31
Three elements formed the Law.

.........*The Commandments - they revealed the spiritual death that ruled in the heart of man.

.........*The Ordinances - gave, in the High Priest, a representative of the people with Jehovah.

.........*The Sacrifices - gave a covering for the broken law and spiritual-dead Israel.
The Law that was given is the Law of the Covenant.

The Commandments
expressed the
Will of God.
Exodus 20:1-27

The Judgments governing the social life of Israel.
.......................Exodus 21:1-24

The Ordinances governing their religious life.
.......................Exodus 24:12-31
Exodus 19:9-25 gives us how God manifested Himself to His people.
He manifested Himself to their physical senses.

.....They could see the smoke and fire and hear the voice of the trumpet.

..........But they were unable to approach the Mount because of spiritual death.
Before the Law is given, Moses is called to Mount Sinai.

......................................There God talks to Moses about His faithfulness to the Covenant.

..............................Now Israel tells whether or not they will obey God.

................In the past three months they learned of God's faithfulness to His part of the Covenant.
............................................Exodus 19:8

........................ Israel agrees to obey.
The Israelites hadn't received the life of God yet.

They are spiritually dead,
.........and the Law must be given to them
...............that will govern every part of their lives.
In the third month of their journey,
...........they came into the wilderness of Sinai.

...........The time had come when their Covenant God is going to give them the Law.
God sends the bread and the meat and gives the instructions for gathering it in Exodus 16:13-36

For forty years, as their Covenant God, He fed them in this miraculous way.
God then gave them the promise that He would supply them with bread and meat that they might know that He was their Covenant God.

Read Exodus 16:4-12
It would have been a different story if the Israelites had come to God for their need of bread.

...............But they turned away from Him, murmuring and complaining:
.....they had been deceived,
.....they had been lead away from Egypt,
a land of peace and plenty,
.....they are now trapped in this terrible wilderness,
.....they all were going to die.

.................God heard their unbelief;
........................but it didn't make Him deny Himself.
God had proven Himself true to His Covenant;
......and when the Iraelites ran out of bread,
......they could have called for His help.

The end of the bread had alarmed them;
but God who had miraculously delivered them out
of Egypt,
..............led them through the Red Sea,
..............led them with a pillar of cloud and fire,
..............and had made the bitter waters sweet,
..............could easily provided them bread.
" And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness:
And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to
God we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger."

.............................Exodus 16:2-3
Exodus 15:27 " And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters." .... God's hand had been upon them.

.......................They had apparently come out of Egypt with a good supply of bread because nothing at this point had been said of lacking bread.

.......................But now they were all out.
The three million Israelites soon discovered the condition they were in; when one neighbor went to another and found them to be without bread also.

..............By the time they realized how bad off they all were, they felt they were sure to die.
Because of the rghts and privileges of the blood-covenant; all that was and belonged to God, was and belonged to Israel.

......His care, protection and healing was theirs.

..................During their wilderness wanderings, while they walked in the Covenant, no babies, no children, no young men or women died. No one died prematurely because of diseases.

......He was the Covenant God that healed them.
God shows them that He is the One who will lead them, for them
......and protect them;
.........But also as the One who will not permit the diseases of the Egyptians to come upon them.

..............................He makes Himself known as 'Jehovah Rapha' for I am the LORD that healeth thee.
The nation of Israel will be the ones to preserve the Revelation of the true God and learn to walk depending on Him.

............On the third day of the journey, they arrive at Marah where the water was bitter.

.......................They were used to drinking the sweet water of the Nile, but acting childishly, they are disappointed and complaining against Moses.
Read Exodus 15:22-26

..................................God, proving His care for them, makes the bitter waters sweet.
It's to this isolated area that God leads three million slaves out of Egpyt.

...................................They have a slave spirit. They are untrained and full of criticism and bitterness.

........................But it's here that God is going to reveal Himself and His glory.

..........God is going to build from them a free people.

Now the Israelites begin the period of history where they traveled through the desert on their way to the Promised Land.

..................Even today, the area of Sinai is a kind of no-man's land.

....................................Sinai is a region that no powers have wanted or fought for, in the pass or present.
When the Egyptians came after the children of Israel when they left Egypt, the cloud that had been in front of them moved and stood behind them.

It stood between the Egyptians and the Israelites.

To the Israelites it was light and warmth; but to the Egyptians it was heavy darkness.
When the pillar of cloud moved, the Israelites knew it was time to travel on.

............When it stopped, they knew that it was time to make camp and wait for God's leading.

.............This cloud was with them as a guide during the forty years of wandering in the desert.