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James 4:10
Grace bigger than sins
The forehead is especially that portion of the human face on which is pictured the purpose, will and mind.

.....................Throughout Christ's earthly ministry, the holiness of Jehovah God was the ruling purpose of His mind.
The golden plate is described before the matre, the object of the matre was to enable the High Priest to wear the plate of god before the Lord.

...........Engraved on the golden plate was the writing
......................"HOLINESS TO JEHOVAH"
without it, he couldn' be in the presence of the Lord on behalf of Israel.
The white, fine linen that the head gear was made of,
.......represented the righteousness and purity
..............that must be manifested in one
.....................who stands in the presence of God
.............................on the behalf of others.
The High Priest was never to lose sight of his glorious calling.

..........................His life was to be spent in the tabernacle, always being ready to do God's will.
The Mitre that covered the head of the High Priest was a type of his being subject to God and that he was always supposed to be standing the God's presence.

Exodus 39:28 And a mitre of fine linen, and goodly bonnets of fine linen.

The word "Mitre" is used for the head of the High Priest.

It comes from the verb to "roll" or to "wind around"; possibly saying the the mitre was wound around the High Priest's head.
Between each two pomegranates there was a golden bell on the hems of their robes.
.............................................The bells sounded as the High Priest entered the Most Holy Place, his steps made a Heavenly melody, and when he returned again from the presence of God, his footsteps rang out.

Around the High Priest skirts were pomegranates of three colors, blue, purple and scarlet: and alternated with each pomegranate was a bell of pure gold.
The High Priest with the Urim in his breastplate became the channel that God manifested His counsels.

...................The Lord Jesus makes known the counsels and purposes of God.

..................................He is the light and in Him is no darkness and through Him God's will is made known to us.
Urim means "lights" and Thummim means "perfection."

These mysterious contents of the breastplate seem to direct or thoughts to the heart of the Lord as containing
..................all light and perfection,
..................all grace and truth,
..................all mercy and righteousness.
"And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goeth in before the LORD: and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the LORD continually."
.............................Exodus 28:30

...........................The breastplate was made of the same materials as the ephod and it was doubled or folded to form a bag to hold the Urim and Thummim.

..........................................The Urim and Thummim were precious stones bearing significant names which no one has ever known.
Just as Aaron couldn't enter the Holy Place without reminding God of the love and perfection in which Israel stood accepted before Him,
we have a constant memorial before Him in our
Great High Priest, who brings us before Him.

He is
....our Wisdom,
....our Righteousness,
....our Sanctification,
....and our Redemption
As God's children, there are two memorials to us:
.....our redemption from the kingdom of darkness
.....our standing before Him in glory and righteousness
The Israelites had two reasons for remembering their God:
****their deliverance from Egypt
****their being accepted by the precious stones
that were on the shoulders of the High Priest.
Israel had one feast that the word "memorial" was attached. . . .the Feast of the Passover.

......."This day shall be unto you for a memorial and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations."
...................Exodus 12:14 and 13:9

"And thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulders of the ephod for stones of memorials unto the children of Israel; and Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord upon his two shoulders for a memorial."

..................................Exodus 28:12