Jesus' physical realm ministry shows us physical realm blessings and judgements which are similar of spiritual realm blessings and judgements.

        His physical crucifixion reflects
        His soul realm crucifixion;
        His soul realm crucifixion reflects
        His spirit realm crucifixion [not death].
God wants to bless our bodies with strength, health and miracles; but Jesus came to deliver us in body, soul and spirit.

           There is a similarity between the ministry of Jesus to our body, soul and spirit.  It will help us to understand the spiritual ministry that Jesus brought us through the Cross and the Resurrection.
All of the miracles, healings and judgments of Jesus' ministry were done by Him physically to reveal spiritual truth to us.

        In John chapter 3 Jesus used the healing from Numbers 21:4-9; Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness to explain spiritual new birth to Nicodemus.

             New birth is to the spirit
             as healing is to the body.
The day after Jesus was baptized, John the Baptist sees Him again.
                                 John 1:35-36
"Again the next day after John stood, and the two of his disciples; and looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold, the Lamb of God!"

                John stood and Jesus walked.
John had fulfilled his ministry and passed it on to Jesus, the Son of God, Emmanuel, God with us.
Jesus was baptized by His cousin, John the Baptist, who came fulfilling prophecy.
                             Isaiah 40:3
"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."
At about the age of 30 years old, Jesus entered the ministry that the Father had sent Him here to accomplish.

    He fulfilled or brought to pass 'all righteousness',
        spirit realm righteousness - a gift from God,
        soul realm righteousness - right thinking,
        body realm righteousness - right living,
        social realm righteousness -  right loving.
When Jesus' body was twelve years old, He demonstrated His wisdom.

      Mary and Joseph had been with Him in Jerusalem for the Passover, Luke 2:41-50.

          They couldn't find Him when they were on their way home to Nazareth, "After three days they found Him in the temple" hearing and asking questions of the doctors, "And all that heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers."

               His body was only twelve years old, but His mind was well developed beyond His years.
The body of Jesus Christ "grew and waxed strong" and "increased in. . .stature."    Luke 2:40,52

        Jesus couldn't have been frail physically to labor as a carpenter.

       He was strong in body without sickness.

       It's believed that Jesus' natural body which aged and would have been subject to physical death at about 120 years if He hadn't been crucified.

       It was His glorified, resurrected body which ascended and now lives at the right hand of the Father.
In the 2nd Chapter of Matthew it says that Satan used King Herod, who knew of this Christ-child's birth through the wise men.

        The King "was exceeding wroth and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under."

                Jesus wasn't killed because an angel of the Lord appeard to Joseph and warned him to take Him and his mother and flee to Egypt.

                            Satan failed in his attempt to stop or kill the Word, the child, Jesus, who was the Word made flesh.
The Word [Jesus] became flesh and dwelt among us by the Holy Spirit.

         The Father sowed 'The Word' into a lost and dying world.

                     Jesus taught in Mark 4:15, that when the Word was sown "Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away (or tries to take away) the word that was sown in their hearts."

Satan always opposes the sowing of the Word of God.
On the eighth day, Mary and Joseph had the Son of Man circumcised and called Him Jesus, or Joshua meaning Savior.  Luke 2:21

        It was a sign of the covenant between Abrahan and God.
Genesis 17:12; although He was given by God to bring us a new and better covenant through the shedding of His blood Luke 22:20. 
The shepherds were the first to receive the announcement of Jesus' arrival to this earth since He was to be the Chief Shepherd.
                           1 Peter 2:25; 5:4
" For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.
And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away."
Jesus' body was born in Bethlehem which means house of bread; since He was the bread of life.
" And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst."

            He instructed us to eat broken bread to remember His death until He comes.
The body of Jesus, the Son of Man,
                was born in a stable,
                a house for sheep, and
                laid in a manger
to confirm that He came to humble Himself
                as a servant,
                the Lamb of God,
as a sheep dumb before the slaughter.
Read Luke 2:7-11
With Mary being a virgin, the world thought Joseph was His father.

            They couldn't believe He was fathered by God through the Holy Spirit.

     God in His mercy, gave us every chance to believe that Jesus Christ was His Son by choosing to send Him through a virgin.
God's choice for a virgin birth to bring the Lord Jesus Christ to earth has been a stumbling block to natural man.

                It has also been a mystery for theologians.

       Jesus couldn't have a natural father because then He would be born in sin just like all of us.
He needed to be born as the Son of Man in a body,
but He also needed to be born as the Son of God by the Holy Spirit.
Matthew repeated Isaiah 7:14.
         "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us."
Matthew 1:23
The genealogy in Matthew reflects Jesus as the Som of Man.

It records the details of His physical birth.
     Mary was found with child by the Holy Spirit,
    before having any relations with Joseph.
     Joseph acted righteously and didn't have her
    stoned. He was going to put her away privately.
     An 'angel of the Lord' visited him in a dream.
     He obeyed and remained with her.
Jesus Christ called Himself the Son of Man. . .
      He was conceive by the Holy Spirit,
      He was born of a virgin mother,
      He grew in stature and wisdom,
      He ministered as a man,
      He suffered a physical crucifixion,
      He died a physical death on the cross,
      He arose physically from the dead.
The Spirit Realm

         Intuitive knowledge feeds conscience.
         Intuitive knowledge shapes communion.

         Communion vitalizes intuitive knowledge.
         Communion influences conscience.

         Conscience guides intuitive knowledge
         and communion.
         Conscience keeps communion alive and real.