Christians are going to wear clothes  throughout eternity.

                    We are going to have actual robes of righteousness made out of something like white linen that shines.

         No one in heaven will go around naked.
Adam and Eve's nakedness was so important to them because God wasn't naked.

         God was clothed, He wears garments.

                  Neither God or angels are ever referred to as naked.

We are going to wear clothes throughout eternity, Revelation 19:8.
Man was created to be so God conscious that they didn't even notice themselves. There was no self-consciousness, just totally God consciousness.

            But according to the Bible, nakedness, was the only thing Adam and Eve noticed that made them run and hide from God.
The only thing the Bible says that they knew when they ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was that they were naked.

       They didn't have any clothes on before they sinned or after they sinned; but their perception of it had changed. They were never conscious of it before.
People in the Old Testament who live to be hundreds of years old didn't know they were to die, except through battles.

       They didn't know about sickness and diseases or aging for centuries until Satan got all this knowledge across to them.
People in the beginning lived to be up to 969 years old because it took a while for Satan to get them convinced that they were suppose to die.

         Like one pastor said, they didn't know how to

                  They had never seen anybody do that
Abraham, who was born after Noah, lived to be 175 years old, and Moses lived to be 120 years old.

             "My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."   Genesis 6:3

      It is obvious that sin was diminishing people's life spans.
In the days of Adam people lived to be 969 years old.

           Two thousand years later, in Noah's day, Noah lived only to be over 600 years old.
Although God wasn't bringing judgment upon sin, sin still allowed Satan to come in and destroy people's lives, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
Romans 6:16
          The Word of God shows us that every times people commit sin, they give Satan access to their lives.
Sin has both vertical and horizontal effects.

       Sin's vertical effect is a transgression against

                 Sin's horizontal effect is that it allows
                 Satan access to our lives in some form.

                          Even though God wasn't bringing judgment upon sin before the Law, sin was still destroying the human race.
Even though God wasn't holding man's sins against him, it took a while for people to figure out that sin had devastating effects on them from the very beginning.

          Sin wasn't only against God, but it also created an opening for Satan to come into their lives.