Will feeds intellect and emotions. Will keeps emotions sensitive and vital.
The Body Realm Bone produces blood. Bone shapes flesh.
Flesh moves bone. Flesh contains blood.
Blood feeds bone and flesh. Blood keeps flesh supple and mobile.
Some believe that forgiveness from God only comes from receiving forgiveness from those whom we have wronged.
Restitution is good but not alway possible or wise.
A clean, freely operating conscience is as important to our spirit as a freely operating will is to our soul; these compare to freely flowing blood that feeds and cleans the body.
When we follow our senses and ignore our consience, we defile [1 Corinthians 8:7] and sear [1 Timothy 4:2] our conscience, making it inoperable.
We cannot cleanse our defiled and seared conscience before we are born again.
It can only be done by faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Conscience is something that is part of our spirit, not our soul [minds].
It is the knowledge of good and evil that Adam received from eating from the forbidden tree.
Adam and all those of us after him, are born with a functioning conscience. It will lead us to Jesus if we will follow it.
Conscience is to the spirit as the will is to the soul, even as the blood is to the body.
The life of the flesh is in the blood. The life of the soul is in the will or decision making process. The life of the spirit is in the conscience.
"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." John 4:24
We nust exercise our communion with God in prayer, praise and worship.
Communion with God is to the spirit, as emotions are to the soul, even as flesh is to the body.
We can have a spiritual knowledge of God; but unless we act on it by communing with God, there will be no life force in our spirit.
It's the knowledge of God by the Spirit and by the Word that is the backbone of our spirit.
This knowledge of God give stability and authority to our spirit man.
Without a knowledge of God [which only comes by being born again], our spirit is like the double-minded man receiving no good thing from God, having no spiritual backbone.
The intuitive knowledge of God first comes to us by the Spirit; but after receiving it, we feed it by the living Word of God, by the words of Jesus Christ.
"The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." John6:63
2 Peter 1:2,3 says that "grace and peace" is multiplied unto us "through the knowledged of God, and of Jesus Christ our Lord, according as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue."
Intutive knowledge of God is to the spirit as the intellect is tothe soul, even as bone is to the body.
This knowledge of God isthe backboneof our spirit.
It gives strength and authority, form anddefinition,to ourspirit man.
Intuitive knowledge of God is much more than woman's intuition [of the emotions, of the soul realm]; it is a spirit realm function.
The knowledge of God, a function of the spirit, is not head knowledge of God that comes from philosophy nor is it knowledge of Bible verses about God.
It is that intuitive knowledge of God that comes to us when our spirit is alive toward God.
There are three functions of the spirit, which is similar to the three functions of the soul. 1) knowledge of God, 2) communion with God, and 3) a functioningconscience.
the soul functions are: 1) intellect 2) emotions, and 3) will.
As the blood is to the body, bringing life to flesh and bone, keeping the flesh supple and the bones fed, so our will is to our soul.
Love must have a free will to operate effectively.
As flesh is to the body, giving movement and form, so the emotions are to the soul, giving activity to the thinking.
Emotions should be our servant to bring joy and life to our thinking, not our master.
Just as the bone is to the body, giving it shape and structure; so is the intellect to the soul.
Logical thinking gives shape and structure to the soul, it is its backbone.
The body can easily be defined, but the soul is more abstract.
The definition of the soul becomes more complex and not as clear as the body. But there are some parallels between them.
The will is our capacity to make decisions. It is a soul realm function.
The will draws facts from the intellect and the emotions to make a judgment of what we should do or what wewant to do.
The mind is a wonderful thing as God created it; now modern science is beginning to understand it.
Defining the intellect of the mind is difficult from the Word of God since the Hebrew and Greek words of the Bible are not translated intellect.
It uses other words such as mind, thought, think, meditate, know, reason, etc.
Of themselves, emotions and emotionalism are self defeating.
Without emotions we find no life, but with them we find satisfaction of life.
We cannot go by emotions, but positive emotions are given to us by God to enjoy.
Before we were born again emotions ruled our lives; but now we should be ruled by the Word .of God.
Enter into his gateswith thanksgiving, and intohis courts with praise: bethankful unto him, andbless his name. For theLord is good;hismercy iseverlasting; and his truth endureth to allgenerations.Psalm100:4-5