The Word of God is Life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. . . . . . Prov 4:22
Remembering His Sacrifice
One reason God can be so easily discredited is because people don't really know Him by His Word.
The only way we can truly know anything about God is through the Bible.
Everybody has an opinion about what God is like and what He will do. But the only thing He gave us to know Him, and the only source that is truly reliable is His Written Word.
Our relationship with God is that He wants us to be assured that we can trust Him to act in our best interest no matter what the situation.
And that is what the Bible is all about: getting to know Him so well that no one can talk us out of His goodness towards us.
We may know some things about God, but if we really knew God's love for us, we wouldn't doubt His willingness to help us.
He couldn't be discredited so easily if we really understood how much He cares for us.
If God loves us enough to send His only Son to die for us, then doesn't He love us enough to bring about His will in our lives if we are being obedient to Him?
If people become fearful, wondering if God's will for their lives is actually going to come to pass, then they don't really understand and know God and His immense love.
Understanding that God is a good God and that He loves us takes away Satan's weapons against our faith.
Fear can be totally cast out of our thinking if we understand the perfect love of God.
"perfect love casteth out fear." John 4:18
God with all His power, doesn't sit back and withhold His blessings from His people because He wants of afflict them or try to teach someone something.
God is a loving, caring Father, He is good and doesn't want His people sick or diseased, crippled, possessed, or hurt in anyway.
The Word of God is simple.
There is nothing hard about it. The biggest problem is that people don't really hear it.
It's not hard for those who really know God to believe Him and His Word.
And when they believe His Word, it not hard to receive from Him.
But not knowing God very well, Satan can discredit Him and say all kinds of false things about Him because they don't know any better.
One of the reasons the Christian life has been so hard for a lot of people, including people who have heard teaching about faith and confession, is because they haven't really developed a personal relationship with God.
They don't know Him intimately.
When we really know a person is trustworthy, it's not hard to believe him or her.
Faith is a direct result of knowing God better.
Hebrews 4:14-16
God is love
God is my strength
Jesus referred to the crucifixion 25 times in the four gospels.
Matthew Mark Luke John 17:22 9:12 9:22 2:19 17:12 9:31 9:44 10:17 16:21 10:33 17:25 12:23 20:18 10:34 18:32 12:32 21:42 10:45 16:10 26:61 14:27 16:19 26:2 14:41 14:58
The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ is of great importance in our faith.
It is the Holy Spirit conception, the crucifixion, and the resurrection, that distinguishes Him from John the Baptist.
He is more than John's cousin, or more than a teacher, or more than a prophet, and more than an example.
He is the Lamb of God, The Son of God, Emmanuel, God with us.
The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ makes cleansing and the new birth available to us so that we might receive all that God has for us and so that we could walk as His sons and daughters on this earth.
The miracles of Jesus' ministry were to reveal to us the blessings that God had for us through the new birth and faith in Him.
The miracles of the Holy Spirit conception and the virgin birth was given so that we would believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Emmanuel, God with us.
Healings and miracles were given so we understand spirit realm new birth.
The physical realm crucifixion was given for the redemption of the body, soul and spirit; also to show us truth concerning the spirit realm work during the physical realm crucifixion.