1 John 5:19 has been a revelation of the history of the human race.

....."The whole world lieth in the embrace of the evil one" [literal translation].
Romans 8:1-11 tells of the natural man's walk and life by his senses.

Romans 8:6 says that the human mind is at enmity with God.

....................So the reasoning of man's senses has always been enmity toward the knowledge of God.
Man forms his ideas of the world and himself by his senses. He determines his life by what he sees, hears, feels, tastes and smells. Senses bring the material realm to the mind. Reason draws its own conclusion by sensation.

..........Faith died.
,,,,,,,,,,The supernatural was lost.
,,,,,,,,,,Reason was born.
Now that man's been separated from God, his ability has been cut off from God.

........Man's word is also cut off from God's Word.

........Man has fallen from God's realm into a realm of human (his own) ability. Here he's dependent on himself. His resources are limited to his mind and body. His mind can only get it's information by his senses and physical body; sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.
Previously man had walked in the spirit with his Father God. His spirit had dominated and ruled.

.........It had been the faith realm of power where faith spoke words into being.

................Romans 4:17
".....even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were."

........Adam had walked as a ruler under the One who had made the worlds out of things which are not, by faith in His Words.
Adam himself cowers under Satan's will.

...............He discovers that his nature isn't in fellowship with God anymore.

.........He has lost love.

.........His rest, joy and peace are gone.

Spiritual death caused man to quit walking by his spirit.
Spiritual death breathed hatred into the nature of the animal kingdom.

Adam began to hear cries of suffering and pain. He saw bodies of animals rotting on the ground.
Adam feels the effect of his sin.

........He has sinned against God and also against the human race not yet born.
Spiritual death becomes a reality to Adam.

His first son murders his second son and then lies about it.

......Two of Satan's characterists manifest in the life of man. ..........He is a murderer and a liar!
The Tree of Life had to be kept from Adam.

..........He could not eat from it or he would live forever in a sinful condition.

..........It would have made Redemption impossible.
Man became an outcast from the garden, with no legal means of coming to God.

Genesis 3:24
"So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. "

Adam and eve

afraid of God
"And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?"
Genesis 3:9-11

..........Adam isn't able to respond to God's call. Their fellowship has been broken. Man now responds to his new master, Satan.
Satan's dominion over Adam began the moment Adam obeyed his voice.

What a horrible awakening it must have been when Adam realized he had Satan's nature!

............Ephesians 2:3
............".....and were by nature the children of wrath,......"
Man in the Garden refused God's will.

.....He chose his own will.

..........By choosing his own will instead of God's will, he became in bondage to Satan's will.
A man cannot serve two masters at once.

....He will love one or the other.

....He will serve God or Satan.
There are three wills in the world:

........*God's will
........*Satan's will
........*Man's will

Man is dependent upon God or Satan for his spiritual life.

So man's will has to be in agreement with one or the other.
Father God had made His will known to man.

...........His will was for man to eat of the Tree of Life, to be a part of His nature forever.
There is no logical reason for man to respond to intellegently organized sin;

UNLESS his nature and will is in fellowship with it.
Ephesians 2:1-5 shows:
******* man's condition of spiritual death,
******* him as a child of wrath,
******* his life ordered by Satan

who had become the prince of the powers of the air.
Spiritual death has entered into the life of man.

........This explains the dominance and persistence of sin over man.

.......Man has taken part of this Satanic nature.

Satan rules over spiritual death.
Spiritual death took over creation by Adam's act of sin.

Because it was Satan, the act of one affected all. Mankind and the world was taken over by him.
Out of the nature of Satan comes hatred, lust, murder and evry unclean and evil force.

..........The problem with mankind is spiritual death which is the nature of Satan. It rules in the spirit of man. When spiritual death entered the life of Adam, his spirit changed completely. He became born of Satan. He took on Satan's nature. He became Satan's child.
We see in the world there are spiritual forces that work against each other: Love and Hatred,
Joy and Sorrow, Faith and Doubt, Good and Evil.

............These forces couldn't come from the same source.

............All that is holy and good and brings Life is from God.

............All that is evil and bad and brings death and destruction comes from Satan.
Satan was originally in Heaven with God. He was one of those spirits who stood next to the Throne of God.

.............But he turned against God and when he did, his nature changed.

Happy Mother's Day
Spiritual Death is as much of a fact as life.

..............The difference is that Spiritual death comes from the devil, while Life comes from God.
Spiritual death has become the nature of every man born into the world.

..............Romans 5:12 states that death passed upon all mankind.

..............Romans 5:17-19 says that "through the one man's disobedience, the many were made sinners."

..............Romans 5:15, "By the trespass of one, the many died."

God's dream couldn't be accomplished. Mankind became dead spiritually.
After man died spiritually, his body became mortal [death-doomed].

........................Spiritual death became universal. Man was known by Adam in his spiritual death.

Adam had failed in his responsibility as the keeper of [man] God's joy. Now man, who he will give birth to, will have the same nature.
Spiritual Death came to the earth first. It manifested itself in the physical by destroying it.

Physical death is just a manifestation of spiritual death.
When God told man that by disobeying Him in the Garden ' he would surely die' it meant that literally 'in dying thou shalt die'.
God revealed a two-fold death.
The minute Adam sinned he died spiritually, but didn't die physically until 930 years later.