It is proven
that the
Word tells of
more than one kind of wine.....the
more than one kind of wine.....the
fermented and the unfermented.
One is a great wholesome beverage
and the other is a poison that degrades
and makes alcoholics out of people.
Jesus certainly made a fresh, pure,
and unfermented wine at the wedding
of Cana.
The Old Testament disapproves of the
use of fermented wine. Proverbs 23:31
Lev 10:9 and others.
He did not perform the same works as
His reason for being at the wedding was
to give His approval of marriage not to
turn water into wine.
Many have perverted this first miracle
He performed and lost the fact that it
was His sanctity of marriage that was
the real reason for His being there.
One is a great wholesome beverage
and the other is a poison that degrades
and makes alcoholics out of people.
Jesus certainly made a fresh, pure,
and unfermented wine at the wedding
of Cana.
The Old Testament disapproves of the
use of fermented wine. Proverbs 23:31
Lev 10:9 and others.
He did not perform the same works as
His reason for being at the wedding was
to give His approval of marriage not to
turn water into wine.
Many have perverted this first miracle
He performed and lost the fact that it
was His sanctity of marriage that was
the real reason for His being there.