The disciples
were not into
ministry yet.
They had
only gone
with Jesus on
some of His
trips but always
returned to do
their fishing.
To catch up they fished all night but had caught
Jesus had come down to the seashore the same day
that they had just returned without fish.
As always Jesus had gathered a crowd so He got
into the boat and preached to the people.
When He was finished He turned to Peter, knowing
they had caught no fish and told him to cast their
nets one more time. Peter was about to object but
said nevertheless, at Christ's word they would.
The nets became so full they were about to break.
He motioned to the others to help. The catch filled
both boats until they were about to sink.
When Peter saw the extent of the miracle. He
forgot to even thank Jesus but felt His own
unworthiness. "Depart from me; for I am a
sinful man, O Lord."