Some look upon this miracle as
a fable. Because they can't
explain how a coin could get
into a fish's mouth they decide
it couldn't have happened.
Let them explain how the world
Let them explain how the world
was created.
Miracles are not to be explained on the basis of
natural causes. Jesus always had a reason to
perform miracles. If He didn't pay the tax, He
would have been accused of violating the law.
He didn't want people to misunderstand His
actions. So speaking the words to Peter created
a miracle to solve the matter.
Miracles are not to be explained on the basis of
natural causes. Jesus always had a reason to
perform miracles. If He didn't pay the tax, He
would have been accused of violating the law.
He didn't want people to misunderstand His
actions. So speaking the words to Peter created
a miracle to solve the matter.