A year after Jesus fed the multitude, He himself
became that Passover. He would break bread
with the disciples. He would take the bread,
bless it, break it, and give it to the disciples say-
ing, "Take, eat: this is my body" Mark 14:22

He did this also when He blessed the bread,
broke it and fed the multitude.

There was a greater reason for the miracle of
the loaves than just meeting their physical
hunger. Jesus was getting them ready for His
sermon that He gave them later in Capernaum.
John 6:48, 51
"I am that bread of life. . . .I am the living bread
which came down from heaven: if any man eat
of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread
that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for
the life of the world"