Peter and Andrew's
home after synagogue.
Surely they discussed
what had happened
during the service
with Jesus on the way.
When they reached
the house they found
Peter's mother-in-law
with a fever.
Immediately Peter turned to Jesus for help. Jesus
took her hand and lifted her up, the fever left and she
mininstered unto them.
By evening many people had gathered outside
of Peter's home seeking Jesus' help. Many sick
and others with demons. Certainly Peter and
Andrew getting to watch him up close were in
great awe and confusion, since they were still
wondering what His purpose as the Messiah
was to be.
Jesus wasn't very please with what was happen-
ing. He was wanting to minister to the people but
He also wanted to preach the Word. He didn't
want to become known as a miracle-worker.
By evening many people had gathered outside
of Peter's home seeking Jesus' help. Many sick
and others with demons. Certainly Peter and
Andrew getting to watch him up close were in
great awe and confusion, since they were still
wondering what His purpose as the Messiah
was to be.
Jesus wasn't very please with what was happen-
ing. He was wanting to minister to the people but
He also wanted to preach the Word. He didn't
want to become known as a miracle-worker.