On the sea of Galilee, as a fisherman's son,
Simon Peter had been on the water alot.
He knew much about boats, fishing and he
could swim. He spent time in the boat with
his father and other fishermen who made
fishing their living.
When he was nearly 12 years old, he started to
work for his father. Jews married young. By the
time he was eighteen, he may have been married
because he had a wife. She made their home Jesus'
when He was there staying with them. She took
care of the home while Peter was out on missions
and later she helped him on his missionary
journeys. 1 Cor 9:5
Peter and his wife moved to her mother's home
in Capernaum and his brother Andrew was with
them. They also did their fishing trade there.
Fish and bread were the foods of the nation.
By then Peter owned his own boat. It was large
enough for Jesus and the twelve disciples. He
and Andrew must have been partners with
James and John and their father Zebedee for
it took two boats to bring in the nets needing
mending because the loads were so big they
would break.
When he was nearly 12 years old, he started to
work for his father. Jews married young. By the
time he was eighteen, he may have been married
because he had a wife. She made their home Jesus'
when He was there staying with them. She took
care of the home while Peter was out on missions
and later she helped him on his missionary
journeys. 1 Cor 9:5
Peter and his wife moved to her mother's home
in Capernaum and his brother Andrew was with
them. They also did their fishing trade there.
Fish and bread were the foods of the nation.
By then Peter owned his own boat. It was large
enough for Jesus and the twelve disciples. He
and Andrew must have been partners with
James and John and their father Zebedee for
it took two boats to bring in the nets needing
mending because the loads were so big they
would break.