Over the following
days, Jesus made
many of the trips
alone. On others
Peter, Andrew,
James and John
went along.
One night Peter
and Andrew had
worked all night
fishing but had
caught nothing.
In the morning they saw Jesus approaching with
a large crowd following.
He motioned to Peter to bring the boat closer, then
He climbed inside and began preaching to the
Later He told Peter to push out into the deep and
let down the nets. Being tired and reluctant and
maybe thinking he knew more than Jesus about
fishing, Peter obeyed and cast out the nets. They
drew in such a large amount of fish that the nets
started to break.
This struck Peter's conscience and he said,
"Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord,
But Jesus replied, "Fear not; from henceforth
thou shalt catch men" Luke 5:8-10 Jesus was
calling Peter into full-time ministry.