After the resurrection, Peter went to the tomb
with the “other disciple” after being told of the
event by the women. When the Lord came
before the disciples, he gave Peter the famous
command to“ Feed my sheep”.
Right after the Ascension, Peter was considered
the head of the Apostles, (this is seen in the Acts).
He appointed the replacement of Judas Iscariot;
He was first to speak to the crowds after Pentecost;
He was the first Apostle to perform miracles in the
name of the Lord;
He rendered judgment upon Ananias and Sapphira.
Peter was used to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles.
And He baptized Cornelius, to mention a few of his
After escaping from prison by an angel. He continued
in Jerusalem and his missions took him to Antioch,
Corinth, and eventually Rome. It was from Rome
apparently, that Peter wrote his two epistles that are
in the Bible.
It is certain that Peter died in Rome about 66 or 67 AD
and that he was marterd. When being crucified he said,
“I am not worthy to die like my Master, crucify me
upside down”.