Peter whose name was Simon, but Jesus gave
him the name Cephas. It means stone or small
rock in Aramaic, and Peter in Greek.

Jesus did not make him the first pope because
of this name. Also Peter was married (Jesus
healed his mother-in-law...his wife's mother)
and the Popes can never be married.

The church was built upon the fact that
'Jesus is the Rock....' He is referred to as
'a or the Rock' all over in scripture.

Peter's answer to Jesus' question "Who do you
say that I am." Peter said, "you are the Christ,
the Son of the living God." Jesus said, "upon this
rock (himself) I will build my church, and the
gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." Upon
the fact that He, Jesus is the Rock, the
Christ, the Son of the Living God.

The Bible tells us much about not trusting in
human flesh, or man or anyone or anything
other than Jesus. So He would never build His
church on a man or anyone but Himself.