Andrew was Peter's brother. He was also a
fisherman and lived with his brother in
Capernaum. But he wasn't as prominent as
Peter, even though he was one of the 12

Peter, James and John were of the inner circle
of the apostles. Andrew "attained not unto the
first three." He would join them often but didn't
minister in the ways of his brother Peter.

Nearly each time Andrew is mentioned, he is
acting as a go-between. For instance when he
first saw Jesus, he was the one who saw Him
then ran to find Peter so Peter wouldn't miss out
on finding and seeing the Messiah.

It's been told that Andrew died 69AD as a martyr.
He hung on a cross for 3 days suffering greatly
but telling of the love of Jesus to those around
him. Finally some spoke to the governor to ask
that he be taken down. When he was removed,
he died as his body fell to the ground.