Peter's home town was Bethsaida, not far from
Capernaum. (John 1:44) He was named Simon by
his father Jona. There were many Simons in the
New Testament including one of Jesus' brothers.

It is not certain that Peter was a full Jew. The people
there were forced to accept the Mosaic Law. Galilean
kids were taught in the Jewish religion.

He was circumcized at eight days old and sent to
school at the synagogue at age six. He sat on the
floor and listened to the teachers along with other
boys. They were taught the scriptures and learned
how to read and write the Armaic and Greek languages.

The children received a normal education while growing
up. Simon knew his nation's history and what was going
on in the Roman world.

He got a great knowledge of the Old Testament while
in the synagogue school.

Knowing Simon Peter's impulsive nature, he may not
have been a model student. Jesus noted his strong
spirit when He said, "when thou was young, thou girdest
thyself and walkest whither thou wouldst" John 21:18
He went where ever he wanted to go.

He seemed to learn more out of school than in. He was
always aware of what was going on around him.