When Jesus made His triumphal entry, the sons
of Zebedee boldly approached Him asking Him,
"'Grant to us that we may sit, one at thy right
hand and the other at thy left hand, in thy glory.'"
Even in this extremely grave hour in Jesus‘ life,
James and John brought up their selfish desire.

When Jesus asked, " 'Can you drink of the cup...?' "
James answered quickly and self-confidently, "
'We can.' " Surprised and glad, Jesus looked deep
into James' heart, His daring son of Thunder.
In compassion, He prayed for this courageous apostle.

On the way to the place of execution
his accuser
followed him and pleaded for pardon. James
considered only a moment, (this Son of Thunder?) then
he embraced him and said, "Peace be with you.”
He was then beheaded by orders
from King Agrippa,
in 44 AD.