Now Peter and Andrew were facing the Man.
When Jesus saw Peter's face, He said, " Thou
art Simon son of Jona; thou shalt be called
Cephas, which is by interpretation, a stone".
John 1:42

Peter went back to Capernaum because he had
a family to take care of and a fishing business.
He and Andrew had a lot to talk about meeting

Jesus came to Capernaum on His way to a wed-
ding in Cana of Galiliee. He was there for a few
days at Peter's home. The left for Jerusalem for
the Passover. Many reports came back to Peter
of Jesus' actions in the temple concerning the
animals and money-changers.

Also about this time word came of John's arrest
and death. Herod thought Jesus was John raised
from the dead so he didn't interfer with His