John, also an apostle, was James' brother and a
son of Zebedee. He worked as a fisherman along
with his brother and Peter and Andrew in Galilee.

John is named among the 12 apostles and one of
the inner circle with Peter and James (his brother).
Jesus called him and his brother "Sons of Thunder",
because he and his brother had been known to call
fire down on those they opposed.

He was at the raising of Jairus' daughter;
He was at the Transfiguration;
He was at the Garden of Gethsemane;
He and Peter went to prepare the Passover
for Christ;
He was with Peter when the Sanhedrin throws
them in jail for speaking about Christ and healing a
lame man;
He was with Peter when they traveled into Samaria
to give the Holy Ghost to the new christians;
He seems to be consistently identified as the disciple
whom Jesus loved;
He wrote the book of John and the book of Revelation.

John faced martyrdom when he was thrown into a
huge vat of boiling oil during a time of persecution in
Rome. However, he was miraculously delivered from
death and was then sentenced to a time of
prison on the island of Patmos.

He wrote his prophetic Book
of Revelation on Patmos.

He was later freed and he died
as an old man, out living all the
other apostles.