It appears Peter wasn't a model Jew. He was
rough and given to cursing. After becoming one
of Jesus' disciples, He cursed and swore under
temptation. Matt. 26:74 and Mark 14:71

He was very carnal (human) but good-hearted.
He was impetuous and would rebuke others,
even Jesus. He boasted about being willing to go
to prison or dying for Jesus if he had to. In spite
of his faults Jesus saw good in him.

He and his brother Andrew would go to the
synagogue on the Sabboth. The sermans dealing
with the Law were dull and boring. But when'the
coming of the Messiah and His Kingdom'would
come up Peter was interested. They looked
forward to His first coming as we look forward to
His second coming.

Some of their ideas were fanatical and outlandish.
Like when Jesus came, the heathen would vanish
and the Jews would have thousands of children
and live for thousands of years.

The Galileans hoped and expected that the
Messiah's coming would be in their life time.