Bartholomew (also known as Nathanael) was
one of Christ's twelve original apostles. He was
born at Cana of Galilee. Jesus saw him under
the fig tree before Philip brought him to meet
Jesus. Nathanael was awed over the experience.

After the Holy Spirit arrived on the Day of
Pentecost, it fell by lot to Bartholomew and Philip
to preach the Gospel in Syria and Asia Minor. In
their preaching they wandered through various
cities, and then met up again.

Traveling to some of the cities, they underwent
much hardship and tribulations, they were stoned
and they were locked up in prison. In one of the
villages they met up with John and together they
set off through the region. Bartholomew and Philip
confirmed their preaching with many miracles.

They were sentenced to death. Suddenly there
was an earthquake, and the earth swallowed up
many of the priest and those killing the apostles.
Others rushed to take them down from the crosses.
Bartholomew was taken down quickly but Philip
died. Later Bartholomew left the area and moved on
preaching the Word of God as he went to India.

Bartholomew is said to have been crucified again.
But this time he continued preaching the good news
about Christ the Savior from the cross. So on orders
of Astiagus, he was skinned alive and beheaded, in
68 A.D.