One question that has been asked many times
is “How many demons can be in a person at one
time?” Luke 8:2 tells us that Mary Magdalene
had seven devils cast out of her.

We know that spirits show their presence in
people. God told us that ‘mediums’ let evil spirits
operate through them. When in a body, they are
able to talk and communicate.

Without a body, they are able to throw things
(appearing to fly); make noises (knockings, doors
opening, etc); cause people and things to float
(levitate); and even copy or imitate voices.

To possess a person, they attached themselves
to parts of the body (like the nerves, eyes, ears
and brain, etc) to force actions of the person.

They do not have bodies, so they long to find
someone to be able to do their work through.
Luke 11:24-26 says they ‘seek rest’; they can’t
rest until they are in a body. That is also why
they resist being cast out.