In Mark 5:10 the demons of the Gadarenes
asked that Jesus “would not send them
away out of the country”. They wanted to
stay there.

They knew many of the people of that country
were ungodly and they would be able to find
others to live in.

They asked to be sent into a herd of swine
(pigs) that were near, Mark5:12 “Send us into
the swine, that we may enter into them” WHY?
More than likely because they knew that

according to the Law the people would not eat
the swine. (not until Acts 10:9-16 did God do
away of that law) or because they knew that it

would be easy for them to leave the swine and
continue roaming the country.

The people of that country were in disobed-
ience to the Law of Moses just by raising the
swine and selling it to those who did not observe
it either.