Thaddaeus was one of the
12 Apostles. It is believed
that he was also known as
Judas or Jude, brother of
James the Lesser (not to be
confused with Judas Iscariot,
the man who betrayed Jesus). He is also
12 Apostles. It is believed
that he was also known as
Judas or Jude, brother of
James the Lesser (not to be
confused with Judas Iscariot,
the man who betrayed Jesus). He is also
the brother of Jesus.Thaddaeus, was another
lesser known disciple.
Jude, Thaddaeus, is author of an epistle (letter)
Jude in the New Testament.
Jude preached the gospel in Mesopotamia where
he was joined by Simon. From there, they missioned
in Persia, where they suffered martyrdom. About
65 A.D. Jude was beaten to death; Simon was sawed
into pieces.