The star which lead the wisemen
o Christ without delay,
Reminds me of the Word of God
which is our guide today.
And we will read the Word with faith,
believe each promise true
then it will be a precious guide,
for us our whole life through.
If all would love the Holy Book,
it's great commandments heed,
we'd try to show all men our love
and help them in their need,

no matter what temptations come
Or what the world may say,
we shall be loyal to God's Word
and read it every day.
The Scriptures should be read with prayer
which seeks God's will to know,
as wisemen followed faithfully
that star of long ago.

O, if the Bible is our guide
and we its words obey,
we'll surely serve both God
and man in every kindly way.
And as we serve our whole life through,
it still will beckon on
to guide us to our Heavenly home
where Christ shall say "Well Done"