When Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "Man,
thy sins are forgiven thee", He knew there were
Pharisees and doctors of the law among them.
He knew that His words to forgive the man had
not gone over too well with them. He saw the
looks and the glances they made to each other
as they whispered.

Luke 5:22-24 "But when Jesus perceived their
thoughts He......."

Anyone can say "Thy sins be forgiven thee" but
who knows if it is true? If someone says "Arise
and walk" and they do, He must have authority.

If God gave Him power to heal the man, was that
not proof that He also gave Him the power to for-
give sin? The Pharisees would not accept that

Though they opposed, many others praised and
glorified God. Then the man arose healed, took
his bed leaving them also praising God.