Demons, when they leave, seem to have
unusual power. When leaving this man of
Gadara, they moved in an invisible swarm.

We are not told how many actually went
into the swine., but those that did caused
them to become wild and stampede. The
swine couldn’t live with the demons, so
they “ran violently down a steep place into
the sea and perished:”

The man being rid of the demons became
quiet and in his right mind. The spirits of
nudity and exhibitionism left and he desired
to be dressed, possibly by an extra garment
given to him by one of the disciples, and
began talking to Jesus and the disciples

The owners of the swine saw what happened
with their herds and saw what happened to
the man that had been possessed with the
demons. Instead of being happy, they were
afraid of what their masters would do because
of the loss of the animals and the loss of the
money they wanted.