Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Jesus.
At the Last Supper, Jesus announces
that one of his 12 closest followers will
betray him. All deny it or wondered
who it could be but Jesus knew Judas was the one.
He led a group of armed men to a garden
where Jesus was praying and identified him
with a kiss.
The Jewish leaders paid Judas a bribe "thirty
pieces of silver". When they would not accept
the money back "with the reward he got for his
wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell
headlong, his body burst open and all his
intestines spilled out" according to Acts.
Judas called Jesus "teacher", he never called Him
Lord or master as the other apostles did. While
the others wondered what kind of man Jesus was,
a man that could calm the sea by a word, Judas
accepted him only as Rabbi. Not being at Jesus'
death and resurrection like the others, Judas
never got a real sense of His Lordship.