Matthew was sitting at
a tax collection post one
day when Jesus walked
by and said, "Follow me."

And Matthew stood up
and followed Him, and
became one of His twelve
apostles. Tax collectors
in those days were social

He was a member of the tribe of Levi and often
called Levi. Jesus chose disciples of a wide variety
of backgrounds.

He has been given the credit to writing the
Gospel of Mattehew. The Gospel itself does not
say who wrote it.

When summoned by Jesus, Matthew arose and
followed Him and gave Him a feast in his house,
where tax-gatherers and sinners sat at table with
Him and His disciples. This drew a protest from
the Pharisees whom Jesus rebuked in these words:
"I came not to call the just, but sinners".

How he died is not known. It is said that he was
martyred, and others say he died of old age.